Black Tax To The Power Of Six, Wait Seven – (Why The Black Man Will Forever Be Broke)…



Seizenina? translation what have we done? Well we the unlucky ones entrusted with the responsibility of building something from nothing… meaning using credit to create and build wealth. Wealth is generational, meaning it gets passed on from one generation to the next, in the case of us blacks, we need to first be creating wealth as currently we have non of it so as to eventually be able to pass it on to our children and their children’s children. Conditioning is a deadly virus, if your parents never had any form of financial literacy then chances are you too will eventually adopt their money mismanagement ways, then on and on such traits are passed on to the next generation and thus the black man is forever and will be forever broke and in debt… Read More …

I’m Way Too Cool & Civilized To Brag About My Culture

Poem By Kagiso Maloma
If Hollywood Was Proudly South African Maybe I would’t Be Too Civilized To Brag About My Culture…

Steady waiting for someone to make my tradition trend so I too can jump in and act all African about it
Steady waiting for Louis Vuitton to dig up my long forgotten attire so  I can scream out ‘culture appropriation’
You see they brought us Tarzen and made swinging on trees look kool AF
SABC can kiss my black behind I’m doing American reality TV now
Eating KFC, Tacos, Burger Kings coz I’m ‘loving it’ now Read More …

A Poem About Dineo… A chick Who Blew Me Away

Dineo Path_0
A poem about Dineo… A chick who blew me away

She blew me away…
Yet I knew I wasn’t the only one… but
Her commanding eyes, presence, the way she swerved her hips and danced for me could only make me so naïve

Melodic with her tongue she’d have you swinging to her tune effortlessly
Tells me she traveled the world before, saddened by the heartbreaks she had caused along the way she has sworn to take it easy and settle this side Read More …

#MoneyMondays Trust Issues "The Genius of Being Loyal in Business"

Genius Levelssssss (3)

I am quite inspired by seeing high volumes of young people taking the entrepreneurial route recently in South Africa, especially black young individuals. This just had me thinking of what motivates and drives entrepreneurship in our country. However, as a business individual I got to interact with various business personnel over the past two years and I was quite surprised by my findings of why it is they took the business route as opposed to the huge majority that opted to go corporate. Read More …

A More Favorable Replacement Of The #SONA (A Poem About What It Is That Makes Me A South African)

By Kagiso Maloma

I’m a South African

For I call my two room bedroom house a compound, a part of my inspiration is a youth league graduate formerly introduced to the world as a trouble maker, I defy the Westernized rules by entering parliament with a miner and domestic worker’s uniform. Read More …

As Kids Why The Hell Did We Dress Up Every-time We Went To Town Like We Did Not Belong There??

Readily recall my glittery young eyes as mom and I stood waiting for the taxi that was gonna connect us to another taxi as we were heading to town… Heading to town back then was a big deal for us, you had to look the part and dress up. don’t know why that was the case but looking back now it all makes sense. Town was mostly filled with white people who actually stayed there, and us being ‘visitors’ we always wanted to look good and sort of look the part as if we stayed there. We wanted to fit in so bad… Why?? Read More …

My Genius Level Aux Cable Rules & Regulations

photo (1)

Dont you just hate it when you driving and someone has the nerve to flicker their wrist, peirce through the air in your car and reach for your Aux cable, touch your iphone, stop your music and proceed to put the cable in their phone and have the ordasity to play some bullshit music you give zero fucks about. Well suffer no more fellow Aux cable hogger, below find listed the Aux cable policy for real hiphop fans

1. Dont Ever ever play Future in my car!!
2. Treat each song like its your last!
3. The Kendrick, kanye and J Cole ratio is always 4:1
4. If King Kunta plays while driving, you allowed to stop for 50 seconds and do the dance
5. You allowed to play one Drake song for every 100 other songs that you play (If you however end up catching some feelings due to this, you will play some West side gangsta rap immediately)
6. Who ever suggests to play Iggy Azalea will be subjected to 2 hours of an intense tongue lashing
7. When a Kendrick Lamar Song plays, you requred to stay quiet and listen with a nod every 10 seconds
8. If anyone touches the Aux cable without the consent from the driver, you automatically get immunity from jail if you kill them
9. If you suggest a track change and its not your car, you will be reminded that you have the option to get out of the car and play that dumb ass track on your fake ass beats earphones
10. If you at any moment fall asleep during a J Cole or Kendrick Lamar song, you will be sentenced to a 2 hour viewing of ‘The Exorcism Of Emily Rose’ movie ALONE in your res.
11. If you by the slightest chance have a bad girl in your car and you try impress her by playing some Nicki Minaj tracks, you will be subjected to a 24 hour listening session of the track ‘No Role Models’
12. Never ever repeat a track when homies are in the car, but If the new Lil Wayne album plays, you are allowed to play ‘Glory’ twice.
13. If a eek Mill song plays, you and the homies are allowed to talk as loud as you can as you will still be able to hear what he’s saying.
14. If ‘Same Love’ by maklemore plays, you are required by law to skip through the first opening lines


Feel free too add on to the list………………….

By Kagiso Maloma

What Will Happen To South Africa Once All The Minerals Run OUT??

Mineworkers work deep underground at Harmony Gold Mine's Cooke shaft near Johannesburg, September 22, 2005.

Well it might not happen in the coming 2 years or 10 but we all know it is going to happen, the worst thing that can ever happen is to fail to plan to have this country running beyond the existence of the minerals. Well let us not look at the extreme possible situations, let us take the trying economic conditions that saw mining giants close doors and cutting employees as a lesson. Read More …

Genius Level Hypeman

After being bombarded with the subtle imprinting on my subconscious that has been going on, on my twitter and bbm for what feels like almost a year now, regarding this Genius Level thing, I found myself reading the Blog. At first, I thought Genius Level was some new catch phrase with a hashtag next to it that I wasn’t quite catching on or two words that one (Kagiso) says to themselves to assure themselves that they are cool, of higher intellect than their counterparts or that they have life figured out. Mine is #LiveForever. Anyway, I took a bash at reading the blog and the further I got the more one thing became certain; I needed to contribute. And so the same way this all began, I sent a BBM and I was well on my way, and I decided to start it like this. See what I did there, the beginning had begun and I haven’t even began yet #GeniusLevel. Read More …

Maybe Just Maybe It’s About Damn Time You Quit The ‘Job Seeking Industry’ & Start Your Own Business

South Africa is facing a lot of challenges economically; the poor performance in development is associated with lack of entrepreneurship skills locally. The higher unemployment rate proves that there is over supply of work force and this is proving to be a continuously growing problem looking at the rate the economy is going and the rate at which graduates are entering the job hunting market. Read More …

OH HELL NO!! Not Another ‘Revised’ Edition!! (Cost Of University Study Material)

The cost of living is very high, the cost of varsity is even higher and to add on to that the price of text books exceeds the other expenses incurred for the purpose of learning. Due to the economic conditions students often opt to purchase second hand books, this is a cost effective method of acquiring the study materials. But we all know that the university does not care about poor students who literally scrape through their parent’s last cash to buy the second books… What does this profit and revenue hungry capitalistic system do? They have gotten smarter over the years in trying to maximize profits by issuing new editions and prescribing them to students. Read More …

Why Losing Our Chill Is Potentially The Best Thing To Ever Happen To South Africans (THE BIG READ)

b761b4ef14bbde749756c0cadba9b7a4First of all let me just say there has never been a better more LIT time to be a South African, from collectively agreeing that the 2010 soccer world cup never happened to showing serious  collective concern with regard to missing pots. That emergent ONE NATION strategy seems to be falling into place. Read More …

If Hollywood Was Proudly South African Maybe I would’t Be Too Civilized To Brag About My Culture..

Steady waiting for someone to make my tradition trend so I too can jump in and act all African about it
Steady waiting for Louis Vuitton to dig up my long forgotten attire so  I can scream out ‘culture appropriation’
You see they brought us Tarzen and made swinging on trees look kool AF
SABC can kiss my black behind I’m doing American reality TV now
Eating KFC, Tacos, Burger Kings coz I’m ‘loving it’ now

If Hollywood was proudly South African??

Man I’d jump into my traditional African attire and write this piece in Pedi
I’d teach the visitor my language and poke fun at him whenever he speaks it wrong
I’d value my tradition and showcase it for the whole world to see
I’d rebuke the colonizer’s religion and make fun of his versions of the truth
I’d question his medicine and show him the family herbs provided to us by the fertile soil

I’d treat him like a visitor and make him learn my ways
Teach him to respect his elders and give him a heart warming hiding whenever he gets out of line
I’d tell him about my Sotho brother who with his blanket can turn any street into a runway without trying too hard
Not sure if the gods  would allow but I might just tell him about Queen Modjadji
I’d ridicule his weather forecasts and drought predictions as the the rain queen always quenches a thirsty soul

Broadcast it out to the world how all of us are Kings and Queens soaked in royal blood #Nonke
I’d make hilarious vines of how the westerns only have one Queen
I’d create memes and make fun of how they all abandon and send off their elders to old age homes
You see in our African culture when the elders get old we do not exclude them from society
We invite them to come stay with us so they get to spend time with their grandkids and instill life learned lessons in them
Because in my culture when an elder gets secluded from society, a library burns to the ground

I’d brag about the rich land with all its natural resources…
Give them a history lesson on  Steve Biko, Chris Hani, Oliver Tambo, John Dube and  Sol Plaatje…

I might just do it, I might just tell of all of these but I won’t coz I’m just way too civilized right???

Written By: Kagiso Maloma
Voice Over By: Nqobisizwe Mthiyane

If Hollywood Was Proudly South African Maybe I would’t Be Too Civilized To Brag About My Culture…


Steady waiting for someone to make my tradition trend so I too can jump in and act all African about it
Steady waiting for Louis Vuitton to dig up my long forgotten attire so  I can scream out ‘culture appropriation’
You see they brought us Tarzen and made swinging on trees look kool AF
SABC can kiss my black behind I’m doing American reality TV now
Eating KFC, Tacos, Burger Kings coz I’m ‘loving it’ now

If Hollywood was proudly South African??

Man I’d jump into my traditional African attire and write this piece in Pedi
I’d teach the visitor my language and poke fun at him whenever he speaks it wrong
I’d value my tradition and showcase it for the whole world to see
I’d rebuke the colonizer’s religion and make fun of his versions of the truth
I’d question his medicine and show him the family herbs provided to us by the fertile soil

I’d treat him like a visitor and make him learn my ways
Teach him to respect his elders and give him a heart warming hiding whenever he gets out of line
I’d tell him about my Sotho brother who with his blanket can turn any street into a runway without trying too hard
Not sure if the gods  would allow but I might just tell him about Queen Modjadji
I’d ridicule his weather forecasts and drought predictions as the the rain queen always quenches a thirsty soul

Broadcast it out to the world how all of us are Kings and Queens soaked in royal blood #Nonke
I’d make hilarious vines of how the westerns only have one Queen
I’d create memes and make fun of how they all abandon and send off their elders to old age homes
You see in our African culture when the elders get old we do not exclude them from society
We invite them to come stay with us so they get to spend time with their grandkids and instill life learned lessons in them
Because in my culture when an elder gets secluded from society, a library burns to the ground

I’d brag about the rich land with all its natural resources…
Give them a history lesson on  Steve Biko, Chris Hani, Oliver Tambo, John Dube and  Sol Plaatje…

I might just do it, I might just tell of all of these but I won’t coz I’m just way too civilized right???


Poem By Kagiso Maloma
About the writer?? I’m just a mad guy with a big focus, when I’m not flying toy helicopters I play accountant and entrepreneur slash innovator all at the same damn time…

Is Your Partner In A Relationship with You For Your Lack Of Ambition??


A simple thought that has been ringing in my head for a while now, to give a brief history of how it came to be…

A colleague of mine was a bit nervous because she was going to visit her fiance’s family for the weekend, me being the big brother she never had jumped on to say, “Nah I don’t think you have anything to be worried about, the only time there’s potential for ill-treatment from your in-laws is when you are totally dependent on the guy for everything, you have done pretty well for yourself so that will play in your favour”

What I was really saying is that; people treat you differently when they know that you need them or rather you are their only hope for a better living, when a woman has her own, things like a good job, a car and a house, she basically runs her own show, her choice of a man will not be based on his ability to provide for her.

What I’ve seen is that, most men use money as a controlling tool given that the woman is not working, that way if you don’t provide, she will be left in the cold, for most men this gives them power, makes them feel needed and in most cases leads to them abusing the woman either physically or emotionally knowing that she wont go nowhere as she NEEDS you. This explains why in Pedi we have sayings like “lebitla la mosadi ke bogadi” and it also explains why some woman stay in abusive relationships or a relationship were the guy openly cheats.

I really enjoy the thought of someone being with me because they truly like me and not because they depend on me financially, that is flawed love, and it’s everywhere.

For most insecure guys, this type of set up serves as a refuge, as they know she will never leave, her lack of drive and ambition serves as a guarantee that she will forever be dependent on you.


This can be both ways, a woman who sticks with a guy who has little ambition that translates into inability to attract other females, that way bae will be hers forever….

don’t be caught up in such shenanigans, pave a future for yourself by having your own goals and ambition, its a dog eat dog world out in this jungle, stop wishing for a rich husband and self-make your own riches or you might end up in a shitty abusive relationship with no options of leaving as you had failed to secure an earning potential yourself.


Article by Kagiso Maloma

"Wesley’s Theory" & Financial Literacy from Kendrick Lamar’s Album "To Pimp A Butterfly"

Snipes sentenced to three years in prison for willful failure to file federal income tax returns…

When Kendrick drops a track with a weird title and makes it the intro, you always going to wonder if there’s more to the title and the song. Well he’s done it again and left us a bit in the dark as to what the song is about. Unlike Wale’s ‘Album About Nothing’, Kendrick does not have Seinfeld to give a brief breakdown of what the song is about. So let Genius Level be the Seinfeld to the Butterfly.

“To Pimp A Butterfly”

‘Wesley’s theory’ describes how the butterfly is pimped by the system, it gets its origins from Wesley Snipes who was sentenced to 3 years in jail for tax fraud. The song plays around how rappers are pimped up by the system in a sense that when they make it big time given all the odds the system puts upon them, they still face further hardships that come with the fame, being the type of frivolous lifestyle they are expected to live. The focal point here being lack of financial literacy which leads most of them to brokeness or money mismanagement which most of the time leads to charges of tax fraud (Think of Michael Jackson, Lauren Hill, Julius Malema and Wesley Snipes).


This pimping of the butterfly by the system (environment which these rappers are subjected to) leads to balling, making it rain and frequent visits to Jacob the Jeweler.

“I went to Jacob with 25 grand before I had a house and I’d do it again, Cause I wanna be on 106 and Park pushing a Benz, I wanna act ballerific like it’s all terrific, I got a couple past due bills, I won’t get specific I got a problem with spending before I get it We all self conscious I’m just the first to admit it” Kanye West “All falls Down”


“But I got other shit to think about, like my bank account Forget that watch, you paid too much for You ‘ought to be ashamed” J Cole

“Drug dealer buy Jordans, crackhead buy crack, And a white man get paid off of all of that” Kanye

Despite all the pimping that the caterpillar endures while entrapped in the cocoon which institutionalizes it, with bad decisions and some hard learned tricks and experiences along the way, the caterpillar finally decides to break away from its hold and with that, it evolves into a butterfly rising above all the ignorance presented to it by its environment and starts looking at the bigger picture, thinking strategically and making value add wiser decisions with it’s money. The result? with it’s influence the butterfly manages to bring back new concepts and a different more genius ways of thinking to the hood. Finally ending the ignorance which has turned into an eternal struggle….


DEFINITION of ‘Financial Literacy From Investopedia

The possession of knowledge and understanding of financial matters. Financial literacy is mainly used in connection with personal finance matters. Financial literacy often entails the knowledge of properly making decisions pertaining to certain personal finance areas like real estate, insurance, investing, saving (especially for college), tax planning and retirement. It also involves intimate knowledge of financial concepts like compound interest, financial planning, the mechanics of a credit card, advantageous savings methods, consumer rights, time value of money, etc.

‘Financial Literacy ‘ EXPLAINED

The absence of financial literacy can lead to making poor financial decisions that can have adverse effects on the financial health of an individual. The advantages or disadvantages of variable or fixed rates is an example of an issue that will be easier to understand if an individual is financially literate.


Article by kagiso Maloma

follow me on:-
Instagram: @geniuslevels
Facebook: Kagiso Zinx Maloma
Twitter: kagiso_zinx

Dear Future Wife: I’m Not A Douche Anymore…


Just a mini brief history on this article, it was written January 2015 and I’ve since held on to it as I thought that I really was still a bit of a douche and releasing it would be me lying to the world… Fast-forward to today?? Well read on and see what you think…

I never thought of my self to be a douche, why would I? my persona had the makings of a perfect gentleman. It had the art-most pleasure of being molded up by a queen that is my mom. So how  did I manage to stray and in the process hurt the very same souls that were of the same caliber as that of the woman who taught me wrong from right…

I’ve had countless number of girlfriends, yet the volumes speak very little of a boy who knew little of love. My high school years were preoccupied with being smart and nerdy. Hidden away from those big eyes and nerdy glasses was an overly shy dude who was fairly crippled when it came to interacting with the opposite sex. Besides being very talkative, I never would really let anyone in…… But notwithstanding I managed to blend in.

So as the story normally goes, and like any typical American  high-school movie, the quiet kid who found refuge hanging around the kool kids and the bullies eventually graduates into a bigger bully himself…

The moment I realised I could get girls, there was no turning back, it was all uphill from there on. But sometimes you just realise that the lolly eventually losses its sweetness . That was then, but selfishly I admit it was fun while it lasted…

If Karma is anything to go by, I foresee endless years of it lol, sharper than a cracked mirror echoing 7 years of bad luck.

Then my defense comes, better then than later. It would not be a good sight to be 30 and above still trying to explain to the University resident security guard what exactly is the visit about. I guess its cosmic that certain things get old very quickly so we can learn from them.

Yet I always wonder what people are really referring to when they say they have fallen madly in love……. I find myself asking self too many questions like: What is this this seemingly invisible heart filling emotion that most dare to talk about? Is it well within anyone’s reach?

“Illusions Mr Anderson, temporary constructs of a feeble human intellect trying desperately to justify an emotion that is without purpose or meaning, and all of it as artificial as the matrix itself, although only a human mind could invent something as insipid as love” The Matrix revolution (Final scene).

Have I ever experienced it? Looking back at closed chapters of that once upon a time forgotten childlike stories, I’m sure I had imagined it if not short lived it. For what it’s worth I’d rather be forward looking than to have a subconscious filled with faded emotions from a distant past. The curiosity  cuts deep though…

After spending a fair amount of time researching personal development and successful made men, I cringe at the spitting realization that always seems to follow; they all are happily married, well a significant number or them. Do you at this point middle finger out the stats and try shake off what was written as you soldier on alone?

Dear future wife, uhm… I’m not a douche anymore……. I think

Article By Kagiso Maloma

About the writer?? I’m just a mad guy with a big focus, when I’m not flying toy helicopters I play accountant and entrepreneur slash innovator all at the same damn time…

I Finally Managed To Kick Out My Lazy Toxic Roomate…

Drunk-sleepBeen a couple of months since this dude has been staying with me, cant even remember how I came to let him in. He’s everywhere I go, he pays no rent, eats what I eat, takes up half my precious time, gets the chance to watch my smart TV and even has insight into my unpublished Genius Level articles and upcoming book titled “The Pedi Boy Who  Bought A Fancy German Car”. You would think given that he’s constantly in the presence of greatness (Refer to my Internalizing Happiness article). As I was still saying, you would think given that he’s forever in the presence of greatness he would be inspired and follow suite, but no! This guy most probably had a great influence in having the word stubborn created.

Ungrateful is an understatement, you know those guys that never appreciate anything and make it a clear point that they never teach you anything yet still expect you to hang around them? And whenever you intent on throwing them out they quick to cry foul and tell you of how much you have changed? Growing up surely is changing, they say that the only constant thing in life is change so what the hell??? As I try get up early in the morning, he’s always the first to suggest we snooze the alarm for another 5 minutes, then after he suggests that we skip the jogging this morning, we’ll do it after work. I remember this one time, it wasn’t really a ‘take a friend to work day’ but I still tagged him along, matter of fact I used to tag him along most of the time… How dare I compromise my good standing position with massa like that right?

Genius as I am, I always listen to what he has to say even though I know nothing good ever comes out of his mouth, he’s so ever obsessed with procrastination, “later” should really be his middle name as that’s what he always suggests most of the time, he loves drinking for no absolute reason during the middle of a work week. Having taken a self improvement assessment test a couple of times, I know I will never amount to much if I continue to keep company with this guy, he most definitely has the credentials of dreamers in the Kasi, you know the ones who can tell you a wealth of plans and dreams they have but never really have a clear plan of how they are going to execute this? Implementation was never promised to them.

Be it all the above listed characteristics that this guy possesses that are most definitely not comparable to the genius traits that I have, I still chill with him, let him eat my food and stay in my house without a single cent contributed to the rent. Why oh why do I do this???

Knowing that I’m the Thriller in Manilla, I swiftly moonwalk to the bathroom, take a look at the man in the mirror (see what I did there?)….. stare him straight in the eyes and without blinking proceed to say the following.. As of today I rebuke the inner limitations that you place within me, as of today I take a stand to align you with my goals and ambitions. Be it that there is no ‘i’ in team, as of today we are a tag team, our goals are aligned and I take a stand for the greater person that I know I am. As of today I’m starting with the man in the mirror and forming a formidable conglomerate with him, the synergies are there for the taking, I take a stand to align all spheres of my personality and make them consistent with I, make it parallel with the Genius that I know I am. Self doubt and self hate are a thing of the past. I choose to believe in I.

So who did I kick out? Well the self made insecurities and limitations that I allowed to filter through to the man in the mirror……… Now I’m starting with him…. because sometimes you are the one person that’s holding yourself back.

#moneymonday (Money Monday Is a weekly theme we have on Genius Level were we talk money, financial literacy, inspiration and motivation)

Article by Kagiso Maloma

Genius Level Turn UP, 10X, Laborious and all things dope "Grant Cardone"


Admit it, anything that seems crazy always gives a high. Kind of like how I just learned a new word and it got me all hyped up, crazy right? Like how nothing genius will ever be created from a mind that lacks imagination. Most of the people I look up to are crazy and that gives me a high knowing that there’s a life that awaits me and its never gonna have any dull moments.

{la·bo·ri·ous}  pronounced (ləbôrēəs). adjective  (especially of a task, process, or journey) requiring considerable effort and time (Just like reaching your Genius Level)

Grant Cardone speaks about multiplying every goal or target you have by 10. Below is a Youtube video called ‘How to Kickstart 2015‘. Leaving in a fast paced world were its all bout you do you I do me , you need to create your own hype, make your own fun and engineer your own crazy. You will agree with me that anything perceived to be normal sucks the life out of you, filter your lenses and live a laborious life (okay I just felt like using that) whatever it is that you do, resist from seeing it with a basic eye, learn to harness inspiration from the little things that you do because eventually they built a solid foundation for bigger endeavors that you intent on accomplishing. If they see a five hundred page book, choose to see it as a 3 day conversation with a brilliant mind.


The way you see the world is a reflection of how you see yourself, be energetic, friendly, informational, genius and humorous and see how quickly the lens that you see the world in will adjust. J Cole in his new album says “there is beauty in the struggle”, yet if you carry on not enjoying the journey that leads to the greater you, how then are you going to have blissful stories to tell when you reach the mountain top?

What started off as an Idea to post the below youtube video ended up as an unplanned ‘laborious’ article haha. As promised see below the amazing 4 minute clip by Grant Cardone about multiplying whatever goals you have by 10, the stretch targeting gives a high, it challenges what you think is your best, pull a rabbit out the hat and evolve into the genius you have always wanted to become because here we don’t settle for anything less than extraordinary. Turn UP!!


Article by Kagiso Maloma

What Is Balleritis? (Appendix A)

2_14_13-Money-BurningEver since I posted the article “Banks & Money Never Loved Us” I have been getting questions regarding a chronic condition I termed BALLERITIS. What exactly is Balleritis?


/ ‘Balla-ry-tis/ The compulsion to live beyond your means. This may include unplanned purchases that exceed R250, feeling the need to impress others by making them believe you have lots of money, buying stuff that you do not really need. A compulsion to work hard all month long, get your salary and spend over 50% of it all in one night.

Lets take a look at Sipho’s Income Statement to help us understand Balleritis further.

Microsoft Excel - Book1

All these overspending arises from childhood conditioning, the first thing you did as a kid when you got money is to run to the store to buy sweets and snacks. This type of behaviour in most cases stays with us and if you are unfortunate enough to not have a “Rich Dad” you most probaby will continue running to buy candy whenever you get some money. With all the marketing around us, its very hard to break away from this Matrix. That Coke Board that bears the name of your school, all the ads that come on during the Generations ad break. We are facing an enemy we cannot see.

Article By Kagiso Maloma