Are You Utilizing Your Full Potential?? Personalized SWOT Analysis #moneymonday

What is currently used as a corporate appraisal tool that is SWOT analysis can be personalized to analyse and assess your talents and help give direction as to what you are good at, what your future opportunities are and how to take advantage of that. a SWOT analysis seeks to analyse the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats that are within the organization and its operating environment. Companies do this to analyse as to what is is they are good at (Strengths), What is it they aren’t currently good at (Weaknesses). This looks at the internal part of the organization, the rest is what Opportunities do they have and can they take advantage of? With that, what are the Threats that they facing or might face because of the outside environment? Companies then use this info to aid plan for the future, planning that aims to take advantage of its current internal Strengths and Opportunities while also aiming to improve on its Weaknesses and avoid or weaken external Threats.

So at a random point, which is like always for me, I was like damn this can actually be used by individuals for personal improvement strategies. Hold on, I’m gonna make this work.

Say you want to venture into whatever you wanna venture into, or you at that point in your life were you feel you are not happy with what you currently doing or you feel you under utilizing your genius level, you not taking full advantage of your potential and you want to change all that. Well a little application of the SWOT analysis can be of great help to you. Below are the SWOT matrics that can help you ask personal level questions to find out what you really good at, your strengths, so you can invest your time in the things that you are highly capable at. This exercise will also assist in finding out as to what it is that you not good at, your weaknesses, that way you get to also channel away from activities that you not good at. With regard to the external world, you will also find out what opportunities are currently there for me to take advantage of and what threats lie ahead while pursuing your personal legend.

What are your current Strengths??
– Creative? Talented?
– Privillaged?
– Analytical?
– Great public speaker?
– Funny?
– Good with people? Great negotiation skills?

What are your weaknesses??
– Lacking initiative?
– Complacency?
– No formal education or no degree?
– Not good with numbers?
– Can’t sing or act

What Opportunities can you currently take advantage of??
– Starting your own business
– Taking up a trainee position at a company or graduate programme
– Government funding for University
– Professional soccer, rugby, cricket, netball
– Getting a degree, honours, masters, professional designation

What Threats are you surrounded with??
Negative people around you?
– Risky business climate
– Change in regulations that might affect your business

With all the above examples given, a simple way to use this SWOT analysis is to first identify what you are good at, if you are good with numbers you might then be able to register for a B com Accounting, Stats or Engineering degree, that also comes with knowing what you are not good at. From this you can now explore what lies ahead, what are the opportunities and threats that await you from the strengths that you have chosen to explore?

This tool assists one in drawing up a proper plan of action and making efficient and effective use of  the resources/strengths that you have to offer. This tool also assist in foresight, planning beyond your current situation, in the foreseeable long term, what are the things you would like to take up? That being the opportunities and if you were to pursue them, what are some of the risk factors that might be in the picture? If you know all these, then you will be able to strategize and plan better.


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