Chess Move!! EFF Makes A Move For The Former President Thabo Mbeki

Twitter was on fire as always following the visit by EFF to the Home of former president Thabo Mbeki

The EFF caught us by a surprise, even the ANC didn’t see this one coming, after the ANC and DA were busy on each other’s backs over the LATE President Nelson Mandela the EFF took both to task, if it was a boxing game this will be the knock-out moment of the game.

The twitter community was set alight by this unexpected visit by the EFF leadership, some labelling it a cheap political stunt. What this should tell South Africans however is that no political party owns its leaders or former leaders. The same extent to ordinary members, the motives of the EFF might not be clear but we can Assume their main objective was to recruit the former President.

To add a little salt to the ruling parties wounds the EFF smiled and celebrated what they labelled as a successful and promising meeting, call it a door to door but I call it display of intentions, Malema has in the past publicly apologised for what he calls the biggest disaster to ever happen in South African politics when Mbeki was removed from office in Polokwane. He apologised to Mbeki and his Mother and to all South Africans. Chess move!!

Article By Dimo Wa Moraswi Sekele

