What Value Are You Offering To Your Partner???

By Obakeng Chabaesele

What value you offering the person you dating, that they won’t find anywhere else?

A virtuous woman who can find? Her worth is far greater than rubies. Proverbs31:10

In as much as the bible expects women to be virtuous, what about men? So let’s use this scripture with no bias. Let’s be fair and demand virtue from both men and women by saying a virtuous partner who can find? His/her worth is more that rubies.  Hope I don’t burn for this (lol)

In this day and age there is a lot of heart breaks, breaks ups, cheating and a growing weariness for relational commitment. We view this as just a commitment problem, or a man problem, but What if the course is not just people don’t know what they want, but rather that people don’t get what they want and need from their partners? What if its unmet expectations?

Maybe we should put a little bit of business wisdom into relationships and see if this might somehow reduce the number of heart breaks, relationship pain and disappointments. Using Branding as our foundation…

You are a Brand

…You are a peculiar people… 1 Peter 2:9

Let’s get to it. You are a brand, a brand has a name, and a personality and its unique feature, which makes it stand out, of hundreds if not thousands of similar brands out there. In life and relationships you either stand as a (You) brand or a copy of some other brand (person) out there. How many margarine brands are out there? But you have your favorite right? and there are reasons why you favor this one brand over the others. It might be reasons like it spreads easily on bread, it tastes great, and it makes you feel great; and there might be a brand you left for this one, because of how it made you feel just one time, maybe messed up your breakfast, and your day. And you swore to find a replacement, and you did. There was a number of people that were competing with you for your partner’s heart. You won your partner over because your brand was more appealing to the ‘customer’. You are a brand your partner desired or decided to go with. Don’t take that for granted because competitors are still out there ‘lol’, with tongues wagging envying what you have, waiting for you to flop and they take over for good like Google did to yahoo.

Our problems might stem from…

We put more emphasis on the container and not the content… Just think about that for a moment.

Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold, jewelry and fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle deep and quiet spirit. Which is of great worth in God’s sight. 1 Peter 3; 3&4

Have you ever ate something beautifully packaged but bad? Would you buy it again? Or continue eating it? If you not that hungry? The answer is no, you would throw it away and stop supporting that brand. Now let’s make believe, you as a person are a brand that attracted your partner to the point of a sale (courtship), because of what they saw, the outside, how you look, how you smell, the sound of your voice when you speak or laugh. Yes you managed to attract a customer but now comes the real work, making a client a loyal customer (long term relationship), retaining your customer .As a brand you get a loyal customer based on content. Your personality, attitude, mental capacity, easy to get along with, and most importantly you make them feel good about themselves. Yes you are beautiful but what else???

Yes the container is nicely made, but containers are always thrown away mostly after a single use, because we don’t buy for the container but the contents. If Coca Cola had invested heavily on the container and not the content, ‘ma 2000’ would not even know it, because it could have not made it to this day and age. That said, lets invest more on our behavior, attitude, and personalities and be on a mission of constantly sharpening our minds. The content that will, if properly harnessed can get us a loyal customer. Before investing in finding a partner let’s focus on making ourselves whole.

Besides the usual what else am I learning from you?

Praise the lord OH my soul and forget not his benefits Pslam103

When David wrote this Psalm he was in pain and struggled to give the lord the praise due to Him, but the benefits he got from God would not allow him to seat and not praise the lord. Now what benefits am I getting from you, besides the usual? Why you? And not the millions if not billions other potential partners out there? This is a question we must continually answer with our actions. Partners and lovers often get comfortable and start undermining their partners, because they think they have made it. It’s like Coca Cola saying: we won’t market our products anymore the whole world already knows us or Microsoft saying: We won’t invest in research and development because we already dominate the computer operating system Market. If a company starts to become complacent it loses clients to rivals who will keep on improving and working on themselves and on being better than the company that already dominates the market. Yes you dominate the market (have captured the heart of your lover) but what if they have, needs and wishes that you are not meeting? What efforts are you making to improve yourself to get better and to enable yourself to meet or fulfill your partner’s needs.

How relevant are you to your partner today?

The fire on the alter is to be kept burning: it must not go out. Every morning the priest will burn wood on the fire Leviticus 6:12cev

Yes yesterday you were a great lover, last year. What about now? We live in an ever changing world, people grow and change and so does their needs. How relevant are you? To your customer’s needs today. You had her wrapped in your finger five years ago. What about today? Nokia was the number one selling mobile phone in the world, but obstinate refusal to grow cost it, its lion’s shear of the market, that is now fought over by Apple, Samsung and Huawei. Yes your lover liked roses in 2010 what does your partner like now? Mobile data wasn’t a human need, but look now, if you don’t have it, you will be left out. If you don’t update to your lover’s current love language you will lose out.  As lovers we need to fiercely work on being the best lover our partner can get, because there are competitors out there trying to snatch your number one ‘client’.

Fire is warm but if it is not properly checked on or maintained it either, dies out or goes on a destructive rampage. When you started you guys were on fire and so inseparable. What happened (lol) you were always on each other’s thoughts like every minute. Love was sweet and you enjoyed each other’s company and were relevant to each other’s needs and wants. You wanted nothing but to make each other happy. You forgot to add new blocks of wood to the fire, the wood you had burnt out. We need to work on ourselves to keep the old flame alive if we don’t put new blocks of wood the ones we started with might die out. Leaving us out in the cold and dark. Same old same old is boring some reinvention won’t hurt you or your partner, it will keep the fire burning and love flowing.

By Obakeng Chabaesele


