Spiritual Reflections of Molehe Mphasa #Post1 “Relationships”

The wise King Solomon in Proverbs 27:17 says “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.”

When I think about this passage, I think about two iron rods rubbing together. As the friction increases, the heat between them increases, allowing them to create a spark between them. I also think of these two rods become better and improved.  Sharper and more useful. The goal of every relationship should be to transform and elevate each other and ourselves.  When choosing a friend or a mate, the question should be how I could lend myself to making this person better and how they in turn can do the same for me.

Father Richard Rohr writes:

“The good news is that love helps and inspires us to develop deeper self-knowledge. For this reason, relationships (family, friends and lovers) can help us face and understand ourselves more rapidly and profoundly than any other aspect of worldly life. Seen in this light, love becomes a path of awakening—rousing us from the sleep of old, unconscious patterns into the freshness and immediacy of living more fully in the present, in accord with who we really are. This is the source of a deeper kind of happiness, which goes far beyond pleasure and comfort, and the only real basis for healthy and satisfying relationships.”

Relationships should mean the elevation of our humanity.  People we surround ourselves with should in essence help us to be better, kinder, woke and improved versions of ourselves.

It is in being forgiven by those you love that we learn the transformative power of forgiveness. It is in receiving help that we learn the value of helping others. It in being treated with kindness and being met with tenderness that we learn to extend these to others.

True and genuine love transforms, elevates, teaches and makes us all better people.

Love and LightMolehe Mphasa

Genius Level Blog – Let Your Ideas Outlive You

