Audi South Africa Continues To Give Loyal Customers The Middle Finger

By Themba Mabasa
After the previous post I made about my Audi TT that caught fire following a series of complaints I had with its electronics, The MD of Audi South Africa Trevor Hill called me.
During our telephonic conversation Mr Hill stated that he doesn’t understand what I wanted from them since they’ve already issued a worded apology regarding the incident. He went further to say that I’m benefiting from public sympathy by posting my story on social media! Yes, that’s exactly what he said. He was mainly concerned with my post gaining traction, as he stated himself and I quote “your posts are causing damage to me personally”

He appeared to overlook the fact that I narrowly escaped being locked in the car that caught fire, he’s more concerned with himself. I was asked to lay down what I wanted from Audi, which I did, my demands were substantially lesser than the cost of a new Audi TT. Mr Hill told me that my demands are as good as holding Audi to ransom! Like WTF! I’m the one left traumatized after this incident, and in addition I lost valuable things which money cannot replace, in that car.

Audi reverted to me stating that they accept no liability, and that the best thing the can do is to appoint a facilitator to facilitate between myself and them, this facilitator will make NO BINDING RECOMMENDATION” the old adage is true: the fish rots from the head!!! I thought Donald Trump was the most arrogant person I know, I guess I hadn’t met this man(I’ll put your picture so that the rest of South Africa sees you Mr Hill)

Now who on their right mind would accept such a grotesquely flawed proposal? Of course I told him to go fly a paper kite. He made it sound as if he’s doing me a huge favor. As customers we are responsible for every staff member’s paycheck including him, there’s no nobility in accepting abusive treatment from big businesses!

I then learnt that Audi has internationally recalled 1.2 million Audi cars for coolant hazard which could lead to fire, and my car had that problem prior to burning. I also learnt that there are more Audi cars which have already caught fire.

Unfortunately you won’t be able see my previous posts as AUDI REMOVED THEM ON PAGE and subsequently BLOCKED ME from all their social media networks

By Themba Mabasa

