God The Savage Comedian

By Brigette Mashile
Just because you believe it doesn’t mean you are correct.  This sentence gives me freedom. To think that I could be wrong about a lot of things in my life makes me feel great! I mean do you know how limiting the human brain is. Then you add all the conditioning we have been through…its even lesser and lesser.

I used to be a person well trained in control. I am sure when my parents taught me control, they themselves did not even know they were teaching me control.  They were teaching me how to be alive, stay alive and keep those around me alive. The process of waking up, serving and going back to sleep while avoiding danger all a day is exactly that.  The entire time your actions are dedicated to controlling the situation at all costs. And when you do achieve the control you are so proud of yourself, not realising that it is so much better to achieve something you yourself did not believe you could ever achieve rather.

Let’s take me as a 20-year-old university student. I spent each day hating having to wake up, walk to the bus stop, going to class, sitting in class, and actually having to listen. I hated class because I was studying marketing instead of fashion. I hated it because I did not see the connection between my passion and the ‘must do’.  I was certain that this was delaying me.

I was wrong in being correct.  I was correct that I didn’t want to be there for the list of reasons I had.  I was incorrect in assuming that my beliefs about marketing are the definite last word. Because I tell you God is a comedian. A savage comedian at that.  But at the end the beauty of the comedy is amazing. God will allow you to have what you demand without disturbing your true fate.  God will allow you to be right in your wrongness.

Today at 31 years old I don’t have to explain the connection between marketing and fashion, do I? No.  Only at this age do I realise the party God was planning for me.  It all makes sense. But was I wrong about marketing then….to me, no.  Because my mind was so limited to only seeing what was in front of me and not the possibility of what lies beyond. And, that same mind is the one that said Marketing when I was asked for a second option after Fashion.

This is also why God only gave me limited control. And this is why God is hilarious.  Imagine sitting on a chair watching ants trying to get over a puddle of water without realising you have lined up sugar going around the puddle for them.  You will spend days laughing at them negotiating how to get through, over, under and around.  You will be so sympathetic to their blindness (stupidity) watching them struggle.  And if they ask that you dry the puddle up, you will just show them how unnecessary it is to demand control on life. For after the puddle is dry, they will have no water supply. Another mission.

What is mine is mine. And I will have it one way or another.  There is no such thing as being late or early in this life game. Each and everyone of us has a future and it will come to pass.  Our job is to simply do today’s tasks, and do them well.  If someone could show you your timeline from birth to today, you will realise every stem is working towards something beyond your mind.  Just deal with today, let tomorrow present itself tomorrow.

Article By Brigette Mashile

Instagram: Roka Roko or BrigetteLatoyaMashile
Twitter: Roka Roko or BrigetteMashile
Faceood: Roka Roko or Brigette Latoya Mashile
Website: www.rokaroko.co.za

