Democracy is not working for the poor…

First let me bring you to speed so you can understand what influences my opinion on this, it has been over 20 years and the majority of people especially in the rural villages don’t own any land at all. The land that they have built their houses on belongs to the tribunal council/ Traditional leaders, this is the same reason a lot of mining companies have occupied land without consulting the community as a whole because they do not own any land. How do you negotiate, or defend land you do not own?

So it’s safe to say that the rich and traditional leaders are the only ones who enjoy the fruits of the overly exaggerated democracy ‘they’ speak or spoke of, even though white people claim they don’t own land it is clear if you ever go to Polokwane none of those potato farms are black owned, now we waiting for them to take us by hand and show us the land that is black owned.

What is apparent from this is that democracy didn’t change anything, what a miracle, the rainbow nation came at the highest price to the black man and more expensive to those born without privilege (being from a royal family or being rich). The whites where spared and allowed to enjoy the fruits of the stolen land and the traditional leaders where left in peace to own their piece of land which later the traditional leaders leased/sold to mining companies that do not care about the communities surrounding the mining areas.

Needless to say a lot of people lost their livelihood due to the mines being constructed, so now you know a lot of people in rural areas are living on the mercy of traditional leaders. For this to end land should be nationalized so it can belong to the state and people can be given their title deeds to the piece of land on which they have built their homes. Now that is real empowerment.

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