The Man Who Single-handedly Collapsed The ANC

Loyalty and blind following mixed with greed are a dangerous thing, look what it did to the ANC. The ANC has close to 700 000 members, which means at that size its supposed to have critical thinkers, analyzers, and advisors. I believe such people exist in the ANC as it stands but are just not doing what they supposed to be doing, they are all trying to protect the ANC from outside attacks whilst the problems of the ANC are chiefly inside the organization and every minute they are eating the organization till it will be nothing but a shell of itself.

The ANC has been hell bent at protecting President Zuma from all sorts of attacks, this compromised the ANC. Today everyone who criticizes Zuma is the enemy of the ANC, with this kind of thinking I don’t see the ANC existing beyond Zuma’s term as the president, every league of the ANC cannot speak against him. Regardless of all his wrong doing he always gets away with a sorry and everyone is supposed to pretend nothing happened. We have seen all sorts of factions in the organization because of him, and the “mabahambe express’ which was basically how ANC protected itself from Zuma’s crictics.

Zuma is like the strong point of all opposition parties, every attack launched at the ANC by opposition through pres Zuma always drives a point home. And he is ANC’s weakest point every time they try to protect him people lose confidence in them, they should have done the right thing a long time ago. In 2008 they should have never appointed him as a leader. It is not late to do the right thing, in short fix your mess. And in future never defend nonsense even if it is perpetrated by your leaders.

Article By Dimo wa Moraswi Sekele
Dimo is a writer, poet, serial activist and has Entrepreneurship as a career of choice. Self taught Videographer and photographer

