Dear Future Girlfriend: What Is Your 5 Year Plan? By Dimo Wa Moraswi Sekele



For some time now I have emphasized the importance of having more than just a trophy in your life. Are you more interested in how the outside environment perceives of you? Why drag a statue to your bedroom while you know damn well that your precious time can be spend better off with something more value adding? I am of the view that a relationship should extend well beyond physical presence and emotional issues, and I never shy away from any opportunity to share genius views on that a relationship should not be a financial burden or an income generating platform for one party.

To be honest, I have walked the trophy route myself; it is like trying to replace friends with photos and expecting them to do what friends do. I then learned the rule of association is actually true, you end up being nothing more than the people you allow into your personal cycle. I even almost fell for an idea to interview potential girlfriends in future because of my experiences (bad experiences I tell you!!) with relationships. Will it be such a bad idea to know her future plans before I even know her name? To figure out how she will fit in my life without compromising her? The 5 year plan question should be extended to women also.

The 5 year plan question should be extended to women also…

It becomes apparent at some stage that you need more than just a trophy. A lot of women (partners generally) never miss an opportunity to throw this quote whenever it is convenient for them “behind every successful man there is a supportive women” while in real essence the true implications of this quote suggests that women aren’t capable of becoming successful themselves. It is of course selfish of one partner to expect support while they don’t offer any in return.

What I’m trying to highlight is a very simple issue that always results in a lot of complications, is it possible to have two totally mutually inclusive individuals? It sounds unrealistic to claim the possibility exist but I’m more scared of suggesting it is normal to have two totally incompatible people living together. I am not in any way suggesting only entrepreneurs should date entrepreneurs but not everyone can cope with the pressure of dating an entrepreneur, the issue of compatibility remains one of those issues we are always ready to walk past without finding a binding conclusion.

If the support system around you isn’t conducive for your dreams to come true, you are for sure going to walk an extra mile and half to achieve your goals. How important is it that you surround yourself with people who believe in you and your dreams? Is it any less important to have a partner who believes in you? Relationships come with a binding responsibility for both parties to support each other, is it possible that one person can support something they do not believe in?

I still maintain there should be more to a relationship than just a feeling, just understanding, just a picture perfect hand in hand image. In a time where people are more focused on the illusion of the biological clock and catching up with married friends, the issue of finding someone who compliments you in your aspirations, dreams and values remains a forgotten puzzle and that is the main reason why most break up and fail to understand what went wrong. I surely will keep looking until I find that one soul that floats parallel to my gravity.

Keep looking and don’t settle….. She or he is out there…..


Article By Dimo Wa Moraswi Sekele (Added on by Kagiso Maloma)


