Loving My Own Kind Is Complicated #DoingStuffWithMyKendrickLamarCD


Was gonna start this off with a classic Kanye rant! but everything flows better when dashed with a Kendrick Lamar quote.

Situation had stopped with your little sister bakin’ (Pregnant)
A baby inside, just a teenager wheres your patience
Whats your intentions where is the influence you speak of
You preached in front of 100,000 but never reached her
I fuckin’ tell you, you fuckin’ failure you ain’t no leader
I never liked you, forever despise you I don’t need you
The world don’t need you, don’t let them deceive you”

Lyrics by Kendrick Lamar from ‘To Pimp A Butterfly’ Album, song name: ‘U’, below is a mini break-down of the lyrics…

***While Kendrick was off making music and helping people around the world, his own sister got pregnant. He blames himself for not being a bigger influence in her life, which he believes is one of the reasons she ended up pregnant as a teenage girl. He finds it ironic how he can talk in front of thousands of people and make a difference in their lives, but wasn’t able to help someone close to him***

Something on the lines of charity begins at home. How many of us venture out into the big city, end up blending in with it as we become permanent residents?? Popping bottles and flossing on social media then becomes a norm as we try by all means to portray a glimmerous lifestyle. Forgetting that while you drinking away that textbook money, your mom done took out a 5 year loan to fund your ‘lifestyle, I mean education.

“Loving my own is complicated”

Time moves as we get knighted into Massa’s kingdom and forget about all the kids in your neigbourhood who have always looked up to you but never had the well-off parents to carry them past Grade 12. Then you get into a mentorship programme helping out kids in the suburbs while your ‘own’ are back home chilling on street corners with bottle of Black or maybe some nyaope…

I heard them say save the Rhino and I jumped onto the movement as I gradually moved into the first world problem phase forgetting that charity aught to begin with my not so well-off neighbours. No reality check alarm went off as I bought and donated dog food to an animal charity that had visited my company…

“where is the influence you speak of?? You preached in front of 100,000 but never reached her, I fuckin’ tell you, you fuckin’ failure you ain’t no leader!!”


