I'm sorry, I love you…


I’m older now
I realize the value of a good woman
I understand how she wants me to treat her
I can see her version of love

I realise I can never love like her

I want to apologize for all the pain I caused, I didn’t know what I was doing
I did not understand what you meant when you said you love me
I was not aware that buying you stuff was nothing. Compared to calling you everyday just to say I love you
I did not see that you saw how I look at other women, I did not think that would make you think less of yourself
I was never told that loving me, meant you want to be everything for me
I don’t want to say its because I am a boy but I am a boy & everyday you make me a man

I spend my days trying to understand why you are so God sent. Why are you able to show me such unconditional love
I cry as I write this cause I know now that there is nothing I can say to let you know how valuable you are, how better than me you are, how lucky I am just to know you, & how blessed I am that you loved me

I’m sorry, I love you

By Kholofelo Molapo



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