A Question Of Existence… By Avela Sidaki


“men are haunted by the vastness of eternity. And so we ask ourselves: Will our actions echo across the centuries? Will strangers hear our names long after we are gone and wonder who we were, how bravely we fought, how fiercely we loved?” Troy 2004 (film)

Hi, my name is Avela and I’m saved. Is it not ironic that in a predominantly Christian society I can lose all my “cool” points in 33 characters? We have become a huge group of genetic Christians. I mean think about it, my moms went to this church and her moms before it and well I am a Christian coz I went to Sunday school and stuff, I don’t know much about dad coz he just could not miss the Rothman’s Cup/ league game “maybe next time….”. But is this what it’s about? Are we who we are because of what we do/ did? Are we who we are because of our inheritance? Put a pin on that.


Here is a gruesome fact you probably did not know, an average child will witness around 200 000 violent acts and 16 000 murders before the eve of their 18th birthday. A minor will spend a fifth of his/her day with the most borderline unsavoury characters.

Remember when you were told that too much television would give you a tumour? Remember when one day the decapitation of some dudes head did not have much of an effect to you… neither do I but I imagine it was halfway through Rambo. Or maybe do you remember when someone sang the soundtrack from Pokémon at school and you realised that you knew the lyrics too, you just had not noticed it? How about that time when Goku was all you thought of and you drew him in all your work books and tests? Ok I sucked at sketching, even though I could draw a head and super saiyan hair, most of my class mates made the most accurate memory sketches ever.  I think there is a trend here…. Does anyone remember how minimalistic our general interest in cars was before The Fast and the Furious and Need For Speed….? How about theatrical romance, has anyone noticed the trend? Turns out, not all tumors are physical, some are emotional. How much are you numb to?

“Turns out, not all tumors are physical, some are emotional”

As what we watch evolves (based on the writers imagination) so do our relationships. I imagined before ‘ nice guys finish last’ (which is bogus, but that’s for another day) was a thing  gentlemen were greatly appreciated. Right now, on the contrary, the man is synonymous to a loser. We have developed incredibly unrealistic dreams to feed this hole within us. A bottomless pit of dissatisfaction, in the search of equilibrium or “stability” the hole within sucks everything within us and to compensate we keep looking for more and more and more. You then become drained and anxious. You know that deep craving for something that you have never had before, you try everything but nothing seems to hit that spot? It becomes so deep it leaves you feeling melancholic?

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At some point we became so inspired by creation that we forgot about our creator. We read the word with shut eyes and adapt whatever we get from the word to suit our pursuits of fulfilment. So Jesus tells this dude “If you want to be perfect, go, and sell your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” (Matthew 9:21)…. In our vanity we complicate it all and follow scripture that is in our own view “you know what I think this means….” It is very sad when a man sacrifices purpose for comfort, that man is as good as dead – “the greatest tragedy of life is not death, but life without a purpose”. And you tell me yours is to make money, really? In all your pursuits, remember that wealth is younger than mankind and can’t possibly be what we are wired for.

Why are we here? Who are we(not the shell but the conscious man)? Is this it, do I live to work and work to live just a little longer? How can I believe in someone I have only read about and heard about but never seen? Why do the scientists seem to have it figured out and I haven’t?   am I who I am because of what I have been told and What I have witnessed, or am I designed to be me to have all moments building up to today make me? Who would I be with a different environment my entire life? When I am gone will I be remembered? Does it even matter if I am remembered or not? Does God have a plan for me?

God has an answer for every question and the He also happens to be the only filler for your bottomless pit- that is His reserved seat. God is always on your side, even when you are not.

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Hi, my name is Avela and I don’t care if I’m cool or not.


Article by Avela Sidaki

