"Ugh They're Not Even Real Feminists" Exploring Feminism (By Nthabiseng Komane)

Feminism Nthabi

Exploring Feminism

It should not prejudice my voice that I’m not born a man, if I say something advantageous to the present situation. For I’m taxed too, and as a toll provide men for the nation”- Lysistrata by Aristophanes

Most women like to associate themselves with ‘feminism’ and most men like to label women who they can’t quiet define as feminists, *hell I’ve been called a feminist myself but I would not call myself that or have never done* this made me question what feminism is? Is it being outspoken? Is it knowing your rights as a female? Is it pushing society to accept these rights? Is it being for female and about females?*not in a sexual way okay…..curb your perve* what is it? And on that journey, why are feminists perceived in such a bad light?

Wikipedia defines it as:-

Exploring Feminism

See, that definition nags me…..there is something wrong with that, what is on the grounds of? What is this equality of the sexes? As one of the most famous ‘bombshells’[1] once said:

Genius Level

Why does the term feminism have to be linked to maleness? Okay, roll with me here….when they say “on the ground of” to me that seems to say, we want what men have, we want to be at the same level, we aspire to be like men and that is what I find fundementally flawed, why can’t it be, we want to be treated like decent human beings, we want to speak our thoughts and feelings without it being linked to “trying for maleness?”…. I have also kinda noticed that when you are outspoken, decisive, precision based and focused, those get classified as “male traits” hmmmmmm……………..so, woman can’t be-without maleness?

Beyonce has been elevated to “king B” status, no longer a queen but a king, a marketing gimmick maybe, the way that she felt when working on that particular album or she feels that she is, as she has been dominiting the music industry ever since she stepped into it……what I found funny, is how it made so many men uncomfortable and even bordeline angry, “how dare she?”…..Its just a word afterall, I reasoned. But hell no, maleness felt insulted…….in this patriarchal world, Beyonce had just committed one of the biggest faux pas……she shouldn’t call herself that, that is a name only reserved for maleness *hear the sarcasm in my tone…..mmmh! ROLLS EYES*

Genius L

I also find it funny that feminists are actually fighting for a system that previously existed, being treated as equals, fairly and as human beings first, this system by the way was the egalitarianism phase, and it was there way before patriarchy.

But what I have come to conclude and what makes me sure that I am not a feminist, is the fact that the world is not black and white, answers aren’t that simple and besides, I like my dashes of grey * hell….I’ll even take a bucketful*

What I mean is, should Kanye west as a husband stop Kim from taking naked shoots? * Okay feminists, we know its her right and choice and yada yada* But shouldn’t your partner be jealous about you, want you to share your body with him only…for his eyes only? What kinda man does that? The question is would he allow his daughter to? His mama? And for women who take off their clothes off, isnt that to be objectified? Do we really think women perve at Kim’s naked pics? *Hey maybe they do…who knows!*

I believe in femininity…..I believe in equality, I believe in raising strong girl kids who are outspoken and knows their worth but I also believe in educating our sons in respecting these women and loving these women………….


[1] (originates: 1708, from bomb (n.) + shell (n.). The figurative sense of “shattering or devastating thing or event” attested from 1860. In reference to a pretty woman (especially a blonde) it is attested from 1942 (“Bombshell” as title of a movie starring blond U.S. actress Jean Harlow (1911-1937) is from 1933)


Article by Nthabiseng Komane, Check out her Blog at www.theprofessionalyeahright.wordpress.com



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