
“Tholukuthi hey” Broken Down And Explained – A Continuous African Dissertation By Phaṱhu Mushanganyisi

By geniuslevels

August 07, 2017

On breaking down the social issues addressed by the new hit song “Tholukuthi hey”

In a broader scale, the song addresses unemployment, state capture, WMC, Land question and all other various issues faced by black people.

Tholukuthi hey! basically means the untold sad story of black people in Mzansi

Ushintsh`ungagezanga touches on how we failed to deal with the issues of economic freedom. We chose political freedom and it is now showing that we didn’t properly address our issues.

He then asks “Uphi umakoti?”, this is a question posed to our justice system, on how it failed from TRC, coffin man ,female abuse and apartheid. He then says “Nangu umakoti”, pointing out to our heroes and  below movements seeking justice:


There is a deep meaning to “Labo s`hamba nabo, as`joli nabo”, here he speaks on the inequalities of black peoples salary, the fact that we think we earn enough, kanti, debts and black tax are our close friends. We are reminded not to be too comfortable.

Akajoli Akanyobi as vulgar as it sounds, is a figurative way of saying, if you are unemployed, you won’t be able to buy yourself food. You won’t be able to feed yourself or your loved ones

The “Heyi,Heyi” is a warning to WMC to let go of our economy.

And then the Little Mbali steps in

Mbali then strongly says “Isfebe uyanyotshwa” that only meaning our public funds are being looted, roughly so.

She further states “Chomie nay`indoda”, there she is speaking on the birth of EFF on addressing the Land Question. Indoda being Land without compensation

Mbali then closed the song by stating “amabele, amabele”, that only means the Land will help in feeding the hungry masses.

It is necessary for us to write our ORIGINAL versions of our history before abelungu write it and teach our kids the wrong version.


By Phaṱhu Mushanganyisi

