What Ever Happened To Working Hard For Sh*t??? By Nelson Moropana

Businessman Sleeping on the Job --- Image by © Sean Justice/Corbis

symptoms of a lazy generation

I can’t help myself but wonder what had happened to the good old “hard working” days – or should I say “working hard for your sh*t”. I constantly share this with friends as a concerned citizen that perhaps the greatest thing that separates my generation and the one before us is disappointingly not twitter, Facebook or Google. It is the overwhelming level of dedication and persistency in hard work in everything they do.

Go ahead, walk around and ask. It is actually the older generation that states these facts. They wonder why is it that we are this lazy – that we can’t keep a simple job for at least a year. Sure and I must agree, our working ethic is totally different from theirs and that’s something worth questioning but I think one thing that confuses the older generation is why?

Personally I can’t help myself but think that we’ve resorted and found a sweet spot, talk about a comfort zone in to the quick fix modern day mechanisms for survival that not only leave us miserable, but rips out the quality of lives we live. Thanks to twitter, Facebook. We’ve settled for low paying jobs just because bills have to be paid. We’re constantly looking for a quick way out, and guess what – we’ve given up on having to work hard for sh*t. No one is taking big risks anymore. In fact no one is willing to do the hard work anymore yet, we want to live the super-rich life.

Low risk + less hard work must equal the rich lifestyle. Wouldn’t that be nice?

Time and time again trends disguised as opportunities develop from the outset. These opportunities are so well dressed up, it’s almost hard to say no to. Maybe you may well see them as opportunities, but have a different view to these ‘opportunities’ and that’s why you’re probably going to hate me.

What has happened to truly working hard for sh*t?

What happened to pouring our souls into crafts and making them resemble who we truly are?

Here’s what I think happened:

3 symptoms of a lazy generation emerged.

First on the list…

  • The Ponzi scheme!

Ah, while you were holding down the 9 – 5 grind, someone just went “Hey you, why are you working your ass of while there’s an opportunity with minimal risks, wait – actually there’s no risk at all?”

I won’t mention names but how many of those have collapsed this year alone?


Because they are financially unsound.

First of all, these schemes are risk free. Join “XXX” today and you will earn X amount of interest. No risk. No hassle.


If you know better, there is a saying that anything that involves money is a risk on its own. And if you’re not ready to lose sum, be sure to not gain some. The Ponzi schemes’ rise get people hoping for wealth, and over and over again – their hearts get broken when they discover that their “XXX” money went down the drain.


  • Sports bets bars are packed

Don’t we all have that one uncle who’s always drafting notes on a piece of paper every day? Guess what mchana, if you enter your local sports bet bar you will find him. The good, or the bad thing is that he is not alone. Mbali’s, Vusi – and Thabo’s Uncles are also there, and recently now – A younger generation, my generation is also tapping into this ‘betting era’. What are they doing? “Betting” which is also the same as gambling, another ‘quick fix’ mechanism. So the sports bars get mad packed! Go ahead and enter the sports bar if you don’t believe me. If you get hooked, don’t blame me.

Last but not least.

  • FOREX Trading (The new kid on the block)

Everyone I know wants to learn how to trade. I was 18 when I got introduced to JSE share trading. Since then, the developments have been beyond rapid.

Forex or Bitcoin?

I know, there’s now a million platforms “FOREXING”. There’s a million other names to new ‘virtual currencies’ now: beepcoins, metacoins and I’m sure Blessercoins are well on their way too.

Now, everyone I know wants to trade.

The problem is one. Although this is a good thing, what happens on the other side of life? The real life!

Imagine if we’re all going to resort to the Ponzi schemes as a means to an end, or the spots bet and bitcoins as a means to put food on the table.

Who’s supposed to build roads, run businesses, be doctors, and accountants?

Who’s supposed to write songs and produce hits that we can get lost in?

It is not that we can’t be engineers, doctors and accountants, but these “schemes” are constantly corrupting our thinking, and ultimately our passion, creativity and intelligence. And though we may cash out big on such schemes, we may never truly look back and claim to have created ‘a legacy’, a true definition of what you, or me as an individual stand for.

This is because things like being doctors, defines who we are and most importantly, what we’re truly passionate about.

Things like start-ups, businesses and projects defines our ambitions or aspirations for the future.

So then, if we substitute working hard with the quick fix mechanisms we deny ourselves the freedom to be engineers, doctors or accountants. We are denying ourselves the opportunity to define our ambitions or aspirations for the future. We are without a doubt, corrupting our thinking and ultimately our passion, creativity and intelligence.

I will emphasise!

Every moment we buy into a system that thrives on our laziness, we deprive ourselves the opportunity to grow and be who we’re truly meant to be.

Let’s work had for sh*t!


Nelson is a writer, researcher at HDTV Network, founder of The Brand Studio. Highly devoted to building authoritative and trusted brands & businesses. 

Personal Quote: “I’m a work of art, progress is my guide – always and forever changing”

Connect with Nelson via:Twitter , Facebook  or Medium 

