Burning Our Learning Institutions Isn’t Gonna Help Us In Our Fight For Free Education!!

If we carry on like this I can assure you my generation will go down in the books of history as the most destructive and arson driven generation ever. My generation will one day have to apologize for burning down all the universities in an attempt to take the system head on. History has a way of taking one side of the story and if we are not careful the system will win this battle and discredit our entire genuine legal and valid struggle.

This is not about looking good but it is about being sensible, take the University of kwaZulu Natal story as an example. The students have legit and valid concerns and for the sake of this piece I would like to believe their call for the Vice Chancellor to resign is also fueled by valid reasons, but what better can come out of this if the next Vice Chancellor will only find ashes of what used to be UKZN??

If we are indeed fighting for the black nation, fighting for everyone including the generations coming after us then we need to make sure in our struggle to transform the education system making fees free and getting rid of individuals or systems that hinder the learning of a black child; we also protect the little infrastructure. If we find ourselves torching buildings, which is illegal I believe that should serve as a red flag for the movement that seeks to do justice for the majority of black poor students to say NO we are doing something wrong. Our aim is to build not destroy, and fees falling has nothing to do with learning institutions burning down!

I know you going to say anger is the reason for this but do not forget that we need to develop a principled and well directed type of anger, we need to desist from any revolution that has unclear direction any anger that has no source because such anger might be the invention of the dark forces (the government/universities) to distract us.

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